Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sad News

Dear Readers!

I know I haven't posted anything this week and I probably won't be able to post anything until next Monday. Sadness I know, but the problem with this is that I lost my laptop to the laptop death called my new network and I don't know when it will be fixed. I am going to BestBuy on Saturday to see what will happen with it but until I get it back I won't be able to post, I will try to make it up to you by getting the rest of the characters up and a few articles about the Hunger Games as soon as I get my laptop until then feel free to find your own things and post comments on what you would like to see me do.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Quote of the Week- Week Three

The Quote is 'Real or Not Real'
Hey Readers!

This week's quote is from the Hunger Games books and it is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Ignore the other quotes around the actual quote. I love this quote with all my heart you need to name the person who said it, to whom, why and what page in what book. Let me know with a comment below, first person with the right answer wins the prize! Last week's quote answer was Katniss and Peeta pp.314 mockingjay. Answer Soon.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dayo Okeniyi- Thresh

Thresh: Hunger Games Movie
Hey Readers!

I decided to do some more unimportant characters before I start looking for more articles and getting more about the movies and the music for the Hunger Games Movie--I will do a whole blog post on it I promise.  For now though let's talk about Thresh. Thresh is one of my favorite characters because he saves Kat from certain death and spares her. Everyone thinks that Thresh would be a large scary guy who wouldn't spare anyone and they captured this perfectly. I hope that he can act how he needs to to capture him. It is hard for someone to look the part of someone like Thresh when you never really see him in the book. I think they have him pretty good though and I can't wait to see him in the movie. I can't wait until the movie comes out how about you readers? We only have to wait 42 more days until the movie! Leave a comment I love to hear from my readers!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Elizabeth Banks-Effie

Effie Trinket: Hunger Games Movie
Hey Readers!

Today we will be talking about one of the most 'out-there' characters you meet in the series. She is an amazing character if you ask my opinion, but the only problem is that I wasn't sure how she would turn out in the movie, with her big, pink hair and out there style, it would be hard for the directors to caputure her as perfectly as I would like to see her, though I am very picky when it comes to my characters in movies--especially my favorite ones, if you mess them up god help the director that did, because if you have read any of my movie review blogs you will understand that I am not always kind to directors that I don't like what they did with one of my favorite books, links for this blog and some other things pertaining to the Hunger Games that I am running will be up soon I promise.

Now I have rambled enough about everything else, lets get to the character at hand, Effie Trinket played by Elizabeth Banks. I have never seen this actress before--or I don't think I have seen any of her movies but I have seen so many it is hard to keep track. I know that the directors tried their best with this character to make her how she is in the book which is no easy task. As hard as it was to capture a Miss Effie I think they did it very well. The out there style is very hard to get but I think that the directors and stylists have captured this perfectly. Effie I think will be an amazing character from what I can see in the trailers and I can't wait to see her in the movie. Despite looking a little scary in some of the photos I have seen I think she is amazing and her style is perfect. Let me know what you think with a comment below I love to hear from my readers!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Liam Hemsworth- Gale

Gale Hawthorne: Hunger Games Movie
Hey Readers!

Gale Hawthorne was one of my first favorite characters in the Hunger Games. He is sweet charming and so obviously in love with Katniss. It was this that showed me that I could like him and he could be my favorite character, hopefully without any troubles. But how wrong I was. I won't say anything to spoil it for those of you who haven't read the books, I just know that I dislike Gale now. That is not entirely his fault though, it is other characters and mostly the author for destroying all my likes about Gale Hawthorne. I won't hold it against him in the movies though. Liam Hemsworth looks like a good Gale and will hopefully be able to act well as Gale. I know that I don't like Gale in the latter books but I do like him in the first, at least for now. If this actor doesn't come across as the right look for Gale or the right personality it will pretty much completely ruin him for me. I love Gale Hawthorne as a character and I hope this actor can pull off the twisting of so many emotions through his head that you see in the books. If not I don't know how I feel about this. So far I think the cast is pretty good except for a few little bumps and bruises along the way. Let me know what you think with a comment or email. I love to hear from my readers!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Amandla Stenberg-Rue

Amandla Stenberg as Rue in The Hunger Games
Hello Readers!

I wanted to do an post on rue for a while now but I couldn't get up the courage to write it. I couldn't because I knew that I would and will be mean to this actress that is playing her. I know it is not her fault she was cast as Rue, it is the directors, all I know is that she doesn't look like the Rue that was described in the book. I know for a fact that I love this actress and I love her acting. I just don't think she looks right for Rue. I will probably receive slander for this after a while but I feel as though she was not right for the part of Rue as Rue was described as a little blonde girl like Primrose. I know that they can't cast every character how they are in the book and they need to cast a person who would be best for the part, but I am the kind of person that will be like 'fine you can mess up the plot of the book as much as you want to as long as the characters look right', but as soon as they mess up one of my favorite characters like Rue I am not a happy person. Saying that directors are making right choices for this movie is still true, I just wish they would have gotten a person closer to the Rue in the book. I have nothing against Amandla and I know she is a good actress. I just hope she can bring Rue's character to life how I want to see it. Without seeing how she plays Rue I am not sure how to feel about this actress at the current moment and time. Comments, Questions, Concerns about the books, movies, author, anything leave a comment below! I love to hear from my readers!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Hunger Games Tickets

Hey Readers!

Just wanted to let you know that right now there is about 50 sites giving away FREE Hunger Games LA Premiere Tickets I just wanted to let you know. I applied to many of them lets hope at least one of us gets an amazing set of tickets and a hotel room. Let me know what happens with a comment or an email. Comment, Questions, Concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below! I love to hear from my readers!


Quote of the Week- Week Two

Hey Readers!

This was suppose to be posted Yesterday but I am a bit behind Primrose was for Wednesday and this is Thursdays and I will be posting another for today. Then I should be back on track. Tell me who is saying this, the page and the book. Let me know what you find readers! Last weeks' quote of the week was from Katniss to Rue  in the Hunger Games page number is unknown but will be found soon. Comments, Questions, Concerns about the books, movies, author, anything let me know with a comment below! I love to here from my readers!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Willow Sheilds- Primrose

Primrose Everdeen: 74th Hunger Games Reaping
Hey Readers!

Today I am going to tell you all about probably the saddest character in all of the Hunger Games Series, if you have read it and knows what happens anyway, Primrose. Willow Sheilds is our amazing Prim and I think she is perfect for the part. From what I can tell no one had a fit about her being cast as Primrose but I know when I found this out I was a little hesitant, I don't know why but I was. I guess because I still believe that directors cannot cast movies well is why I was hesitant. After seeing all of the other characters though I think that it is safe to say that the actors look the part at least. Can they act the part though. That is the question at hand. With Primrose she needs to be young enough not to understand her death sentance to the fullest extent, but be old enough to understand that her sister probably won't come back to the district alive. That is a hard thing to be able to portray in a movie. I know for a fact that it is hard for me to portray something as emotionally deep as that when I am acting, how about you readers. Lets hope that Willow and all the other actors in the movie understand that we as fans are counting on them, just as much as the director, to bring one of our favorite book series to life. Comments, questions, concerns about the books, movies, author anything leave a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Josh Hutcherson- Peeta

Hey Readers!

I wanted to do a blog post on Josh Hutcherson who will be our Peeta in the Hunger Games Movie. I was again not sure about this casting when I first saw it. I was worried he wouldn't look right if he dyed his hair and then if he didn't it would forever ruin the Hunger Games Movie for me! I don't know how many of you were also worried about this casting. I know I freaked out when I found this out from sources that I can't remember at this current moment. Now looking at Josh as Peeta I think I have decided that it would have ended badly cast any other way. Just like Jennifer Lawrence who will be playing Katniss in the movies I have given up my stubborn view on directors not being able to cast correctly. I think they have this casting down well. But I haven't seen the movie and no one else has either, so none of us can say for sure if it will end well or not. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the rest of the cast for the Hunger Games, it should all be posted before the Movie. Let me know what you think below.Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence- Katniss

Hey Lovelies,

Only 55 days left until the Hunger Games movie comes out. Anyone else super excited? Today lets talk about Jennifer Lawrence our main character Katniss in the movie. When I first saw who was cast, I saw a blonde beautiful girl that wouldn't be able to pull off Katniss in the slightest. I saw a hollywood princess that wouldn't dye her hair for just a silly movie role that wouldn't make her famous. Looking at her now I take back every bad thing I said about her. I wouldn't have believed it but now I see that she can be Katniss and she will probably be a very good Katniss. She was the fan choice from what I can see, but when she was actually cast I know there was an uproar from fans everywhere worried she was too pretty and too blonde to be the warrior that Katniss is. Looking at her now I can't wait to see her as one of my favorite characters from the series. Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quote of the Week- Week One

Hey Readers,

This is the quote of the week! Every Thursday I will post an image of a quote from one of the books and then you must guess which book it is, who says it, who else is there, and what page number it is on. This is just a fun game that you can take part in or not, you might win anything hunger games related this week there isn't a prize at and there won't be until more people enter, the minimum number of entries that have to be received before a prize is awarded is 10 guesses. Only one winner, so the person who gets it right first gets the prize. Remember it will be a surprise prize and will be sent to an email that you give to be emailed if you get it right. If you don't want the prize you simply decline and it will go to the next person, if you are the only person that got it right and you decline it then that will be the end of the 'quote of the week'. Also please remember this is just a fun game so don't get upset if you aren't the first to post the right answer or something. There is always next week to try again. Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Welcome to MockingJay Messeges,

This is a blog that I am starting to follow everything Hunger Games all the time. I will take Questions I will do requests on blog posts, and I might even review the books and the movies. Remember though if you want me to write about something be nice when you request it. Right now we are in the countdown to the first Hunger Games movie midnight showing. I know I am going, anyone else? Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!
