Friday, January 27, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence- Katniss

Hey Lovelies,

Only 55 days left until the Hunger Games movie comes out. Anyone else super excited? Today lets talk about Jennifer Lawrence our main character Katniss in the movie. When I first saw who was cast, I saw a blonde beautiful girl that wouldn't be able to pull off Katniss in the slightest. I saw a hollywood princess that wouldn't dye her hair for just a silly movie role that wouldn't make her famous. Looking at her now I take back every bad thing I said about her. I wouldn't have believed it but now I see that she can be Katniss and she will probably be a very good Katniss. She was the fan choice from what I can see, but when she was actually cast I know there was an uproar from fans everywhere worried she was too pretty and too blonde to be the warrior that Katniss is. Looking at her now I can't wait to see her as one of my favorite characters from the series. Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!

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