Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Josh Hutcherson- Peeta

Hey Readers!

I wanted to do a blog post on Josh Hutcherson who will be our Peeta in the Hunger Games Movie. I was again not sure about this casting when I first saw it. I was worried he wouldn't look right if he dyed his hair and then if he didn't it would forever ruin the Hunger Games Movie for me! I don't know how many of you were also worried about this casting. I know I freaked out when I found this out from sources that I can't remember at this current moment. Now looking at Josh as Peeta I think I have decided that it would have ended badly cast any other way. Just like Jennifer Lawrence who will be playing Katniss in the movies I have given up my stubborn view on directors not being able to cast correctly. I think they have this casting down well. But I haven't seen the movie and no one else has either, so none of us can say for sure if it will end well or not. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the rest of the cast for the Hunger Games, it should all be posted before the Movie. Let me know what you think below.Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hey Steffenee!
    So first off, i don't know if this Josh Hutcherson guy is right for the part, although I'm now sure who else I would cast! Well I surely haven't given up my idea that directors aren't the best at casting (and this is my very mild opinion!). Now what I'm hoping is that the actor that will play Finnick will be good looking. He was in that "special video" you showed me (the rest of you will ind out right before the movie actually comes out- sorry! But it's totally worth the wait!).


    1. Lucy-

      I'm glad to see you are giving your opinion on my opinion piece I love to hear from my readers, the only problem is that Finnick from the video won't be in the Movie. I recommend rereading (or reading for the first time) the book before you go and see the movie otherwise, you might expect characters that aren't in there! Remember that you can't expect every extra character you see in fan fictions and fan series to be in the movies. Thanks for your comment!


    2. Your so formal in your comments. And BTW you know I haven't read the series, hun! (I will read it, though). You should comment on my blog now. See ya at dinner lol :D
