Thursday, February 2, 2012

Willow Sheilds- Primrose

Primrose Everdeen: 74th Hunger Games Reaping
Hey Readers!

Today I am going to tell you all about probably the saddest character in all of the Hunger Games Series, if you have read it and knows what happens anyway, Primrose. Willow Sheilds is our amazing Prim and I think she is perfect for the part. From what I can tell no one had a fit about her being cast as Primrose but I know when I found this out I was a little hesitant, I don't know why but I was. I guess because I still believe that directors cannot cast movies well is why I was hesitant. After seeing all of the other characters though I think that it is safe to say that the actors look the part at least. Can they act the part though. That is the question at hand. With Primrose she needs to be young enough not to understand her death sentance to the fullest extent, but be old enough to understand that her sister probably won't come back to the district alive. That is a hard thing to be able to portray in a movie. I know for a fact that it is hard for me to portray something as emotionally deep as that when I am acting, how about you readers. Lets hope that Willow and all the other actors in the movie understand that we as fans are counting on them, just as much as the director, to bring one of our favorite book series to life. Comments, questions, concerns about the books, movies, author anything leave a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!


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