Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Elizabeth Banks-Effie

Effie Trinket: Hunger Games Movie
Hey Readers!

Today we will be talking about one of the most 'out-there' characters you meet in the series. She is an amazing character if you ask my opinion, but the only problem is that I wasn't sure how she would turn out in the movie, with her big, pink hair and out there style, it would be hard for the directors to caputure her as perfectly as I would like to see her, though I am very picky when it comes to my characters in movies--especially my favorite ones, if you mess them up god help the director that did, because if you have read any of my movie review blogs you will understand that I am not always kind to directors that I don't like what they did with one of my favorite books, links for this blog and some other things pertaining to the Hunger Games that I am running will be up soon I promise.

Now I have rambled enough about everything else, lets get to the character at hand, Effie Trinket played by Elizabeth Banks. I have never seen this actress before--or I don't think I have seen any of her movies but I have seen so many it is hard to keep track. I know that the directors tried their best with this character to make her how she is in the book which is no easy task. As hard as it was to capture a Miss Effie I think they did it very well. The out there style is very hard to get but I think that the directors and stylists have captured this perfectly. Effie I think will be an amazing character from what I can see in the trailers and I can't wait to see her in the movie. Despite looking a little scary in some of the photos I have seen I think she is amazing and her style is perfect. Let me know what you think with a comment below I love to hear from my readers!


1 comment:

  1. I am really glad that they chose Elizabeth Banks. I think that this is the best that the directors have chosen. I think that she really fits the part. AS you said above, I am also one to be very picky about who should play the parts. If the directors mess up on of the characters, then I'll have some serious problems. For me, the actress has to look like the actual characters. If the directors screw that up, then they have to...

    1. Totally engulf themselves as the actual character, which takes real skill.
    2. Make THEMSELVES look like THEY were the real character
    3. Not be a cheesy-ass actor. I've seen many in my lifetime. It really lowers the quality of the movie. It sucks.

    Anyhooo- check out my blog!! I haven't posted much in a while- fail. oh well.

    -Lucy T.
