Monday, February 6, 2012

Amandla Stenberg-Rue

Amandla Stenberg as Rue in The Hunger Games
Hello Readers!

I wanted to do an post on rue for a while now but I couldn't get up the courage to write it. I couldn't because I knew that I would and will be mean to this actress that is playing her. I know it is not her fault she was cast as Rue, it is the directors, all I know is that she doesn't look like the Rue that was described in the book. I know for a fact that I love this actress and I love her acting. I just don't think she looks right for Rue. I will probably receive slander for this after a while but I feel as though she was not right for the part of Rue as Rue was described as a little blonde girl like Primrose. I know that they can't cast every character how they are in the book and they need to cast a person who would be best for the part, but I am the kind of person that will be like 'fine you can mess up the plot of the book as much as you want to as long as the characters look right', but as soon as they mess up one of my favorite characters like Rue I am not a happy person. Saying that directors are making right choices for this movie is still true, I just wish they would have gotten a person closer to the Rue in the book. I have nothing against Amandla and I know she is a good actress. I just hope she can bring Rue's character to life how I want to see it. Without seeing how she plays Rue I am not sure how to feel about this actress at the current moment and time. Comments, Questions, Concerns about the books, movies, author, anything leave a comment below! I love to hear from my readers!


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