Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Josh Hutcherson- Peeta

Hey Readers!

I wanted to do a blog post on Josh Hutcherson who will be our Peeta in the Hunger Games Movie. I was again not sure about this casting when I first saw it. I was worried he wouldn't look right if he dyed his hair and then if he didn't it would forever ruin the Hunger Games Movie for me! I don't know how many of you were also worried about this casting. I know I freaked out when I found this out from sources that I can't remember at this current moment. Now looking at Josh as Peeta I think I have decided that it would have ended badly cast any other way. Just like Jennifer Lawrence who will be playing Katniss in the movies I have given up my stubborn view on directors not being able to cast correctly. I think they have this casting down well. But I haven't seen the movie and no one else has either, so none of us can say for sure if it will end well or not. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the rest of the cast for the Hunger Games, it should all be posted before the Movie. Let me know what you think below.Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence- Katniss

Hey Lovelies,

Only 55 days left until the Hunger Games movie comes out. Anyone else super excited? Today lets talk about Jennifer Lawrence our main character Katniss in the movie. When I first saw who was cast, I saw a blonde beautiful girl that wouldn't be able to pull off Katniss in the slightest. I saw a hollywood princess that wouldn't dye her hair for just a silly movie role that wouldn't make her famous. Looking at her now I take back every bad thing I said about her. I wouldn't have believed it but now I see that she can be Katniss and she will probably be a very good Katniss. She was the fan choice from what I can see, but when she was actually cast I know there was an uproar from fans everywhere worried she was too pretty and too blonde to be the warrior that Katniss is. Looking at her now I can't wait to see her as one of my favorite characters from the series. Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quote of the Week- Week One

Hey Readers,

This is the quote of the week! Every Thursday I will post an image of a quote from one of the books and then you must guess which book it is, who says it, who else is there, and what page number it is on. This is just a fun game that you can take part in or not, you might win anything hunger games related this week there isn't a prize at and there won't be until more people enter, the minimum number of entries that have to be received before a prize is awarded is 10 guesses. Only one winner, so the person who gets it right first gets the prize. Remember it will be a surprise prize and will be sent to an email that you give to be emailed if you get it right. If you don't want the prize you simply decline and it will go to the next person, if you are the only person that got it right and you decline it then that will be the end of the 'quote of the week'. Also please remember this is just a fun game so don't get upset if you aren't the first to post the right answer or something. There is always next week to try again. Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Welcome to MockingJay Messeges,

This is a blog that I am starting to follow everything Hunger Games all the time. I will take Questions I will do requests on blog posts, and I might even review the books and the movies. Remember though if you want me to write about something be nice when you request it. Right now we are in the countdown to the first Hunger Games movie midnight showing. I know I am going, anyone else? Comments, questions, or concerns about the books, movies, author, anything. Let me know with a comment below. I love to hear from my readers!
